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Childcare, Health & Medical Services

Childcare, Health and Medical Services includes childcare centres, day nursery, nanny or baby-sitting service. This category also includes business such as medical and dental offices, chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncture clinics, health clinics, counselling services, care aids, senior support services, personal coaches, holistic health services, laboratories, and private hospitals.

Depending on the nature of your business, the following may be required to complete your business licence application:

  • Number of employees (your employee count should include the business owner, but exclude all contractors/subcontractors as they are required to obtain their own business licences)
  • Floor area (m2) of your business location.
  • If you are offering childcare services, you will be asked to provide the number of children that will be in your care, as well as whether or not children under the age of 30 months will be permitted.
  • If you are a Registered Massage Therapist you will need to provide a copy of your BC Registered Massage Therapist Certificate.
  • If you are a Registered Acupuncturist you will need to provide confirmation from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of BC of your registration. A copy of your wallet card will be sufficient.
  • If you are a registered non-profit organization, a copy of your Societies Act Certificate of Incorporation will be required.

If you have questions about your application, please contact Business Licensing at or call 250-469-8617.