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Food, Liquor & Cannabis

Food, Liquor & Cannabis includes, but is not limited to; licensed restaurants, theatre restaurants, banquet facilities, cafes, delicatessens, tea rooms, lunchrooms, refreshment stands, take-out restaurants, bakeries, caterers, dance clubs, liquor stores, food trucks, food trailers, trade shows, vendor markets, casino, bingo, gaming centres. This category also includes cannabis analytical testing labs, cannabis production, and alcohol production facilities, such as breweries, and wineries.

Depending on the nature of your business, the following may be required to complete your business licence application:

  • Number of employees (your employee count should include the business owner, but exclude all contractors/subcontractors as they are required to obtain their own business licences)
  • Floor area (m2) of your business location.
  • If you are a mobile vendor operating on city property you will be asked to provide your Concession Permit. If you are a mobile vendor operating on private property you will be asked to provide a written approval/lease from your landlord, a copy of the site plan and demonstrate reasonable access to washroom facilities.
  • If you are applying for a casino, you will be asked to provide your Provincial Gaming Licence Number.
  • If you will be serving liquor, you will be asked to provide a copy of your Liquor Licence with the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch.
  • If you are applying for a Cannabis Production Business, you will be asked to provide your Health Canada Cannabis Licence, and copies of your ventilation plan, waste management plan and water regulation plan as outlined in Business Licence Bylaw No. 12585.
  • If you are applying for a Cannabis Retail Sales Etablishment licence, you will be asked to provide your Cannabis Retail Store Licence issued by the LCRB, and a copy of your floor plan as outlined in Business Licence Bylaw No. 12585.
  • If you are a registered non-profit organization, a copy of your Societies Act Certificate of Incorporation will be required.

If you have questions about your application, please contact Business Licensing at or call 250-469-8617.